Hello anglers:

We are in a different area today and there is a tremendous amount of bluefin tuna here. The fish are mostly 30-80 pounds with some 100 pound fish seen. We are catching a few fish in nice weather and having some fun.

Best methods today: flyline sardine and live sardine (nose-hooked)  on a sinker rig. Hoping for more this afternoon.

Here is the Jackpot fish so far!

Captain Art and Team Searcher

Review our tackle tips and subscribe to our YouTube channel here: See Searcher Sportfishing on YouTube

Here is the Jackpot fish so far! Caught with 30 pound Izorline, a 2/0 circle hook. and a flyline sardine.

Hello anglers,

Once again we have seen tremendous signs of bluefin tuna. This morning we had decent fishing with plenty of opportunities. The best method was to use 30# line and a live sardine. In the afternoon there were big schools on the surface with not too many bites. We did mange to land two fish in the 130# range.There were other chances using a flying fish on the kite and a couple of 80# fish on flat fall lures.

Captain Art and Team Searcher

Review our tackle tips and subscribe to our YouTube channel here: See Searcher Sportfishing on YouTube

Jeremy landed this beauty on a flat fall lure