Hey anglers, Today was a disapointment. We had really high hopes for today based on yesterday’s action, but those darn albies didn’t show this morning. As of 2 p.m. today nobody has located them. We only had 5 albies in the time we had today before calling it a trip. The conditions are the same with an edge in the same place and the temperature is the same also. But there is one change–a few bluefin tuna were caught in the area which is completely different. We didn’t see any bluefin in the two days prior to today. We are grateful for the past two days of fishing and everyone is going home happy with a few albies. It would have been nice to land a few more, but maybe next trip. Capt Art Click the video below to see albacore marks on the fathometer. For other videos and photos from the trip, go to “Photo Gallery.