Hello anglers, For all you folks that have been waiting for news about fish, we have it! There has been some excellent albacore fishing over the past 3-4 days with some of our colleagues reporting the good news–albacore up to 30 pounds with the average above 20 pounds and a few bluefin tuna in the same class. All the boats are seeing really good signs of fish and they all say it looks encouraging for the near future. We have space available on a 5-day trip up next week. Also there is lots of room on a 3-day trip the following week. Don’t miss out on a great chance to get in on some excellent fishing early in the season. We have had a chance to get out offshore and get the new scanning sonar dialed in and man does it work great! What an improvement from the old sonar. Can’t wait to get out there with a group of fishermen and put the new sonar to good use. Looking forward to seeing some of you soon, Capt Art