Looking for a way to prepare all your Searcher-caught yellowfin tuna? How about chef Geri Sue’s creamy Italian marinade with a nice sear on the fish?

Marinade (makes 12 servings):

1 cup olive oil

1/4 cup cider vinegar

2 tbsp diced onion

2 tbsp diced garlic

1 tsp sugar

1 tsp ground mustard

2 tbsp Italian herbs


Mix 1 egg with the oil and other ingredients. Add a dash of salt and pepper. Marinate fish fillets for 1/2 hour.

Sear: Cook marinated fish on a medium high grill for just a minute or two on each side. Fish should remain pink in the middle.

Enjoy! And send us photos of your creation!

Here is a photo from Angler Dave B. Off the boat in the morning and on the table for dinner, doesn’t get any better.