Safety reassurances from Team Searcher

September 20th, 2019|Capt Art's Blog, News|

The passenger-carrying vessel community sustained a devastating loss this month when a fire on the dive boat Conception resulted in a tragic loss of lives—a horrific event for passengers, families and the entire boating community. Investigations are on-going and we stand ready to learn what we can from this tragedy.

For the present we want to reassure Searcher Sportfishing passengers that our rigorous safety standards are in place as usual. Be assured that our captain will review all safety precautions aboard Searcher during the presentation upon departure including:

  • identifying our trained crew as your point of contact
  • demonstrating all boat and below-decks exits in the event of an emergency
  • describing fire-fighting procedures
  • identifying location of all smoke detectors
  • reviewing of all state-of-the-art safety equipment.


All such announcements and demonstrations are required by US Coast Guard, as are regular drills and inspections of all mechanical and safety items. As a SOLAS (Safety of Life at Sea) vessel, Searcher is held to a rigorous level of safety requirements (including for fire detection, protection and extinction), including life-saving and life-preserving equipment due to the fact we are permitted to operate international departures.

We know concern is at an all-time high and plan to ensure everyone stays safe while traveling with us. Please contact our office if you have questions or concerns. Thank you for your trust!